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Prose In Pubs Logo

It’s amazing what a little social networking to do.

On a whim, I responded to a friend’s request for aid from any graphic designers in her Twitter feed. Andrea needed a logo designed for Prose in Pubs, a Scranton-based literary group that shares their works in the city’s many local bars each month or so.

I pitched about eight logos to her, but the one that caught her eye was an old tavern-style design. I incorporated the obvious elements involved in prose and pubs through a pint glass, wine glass, and stack of books, all represented in custom-made vectors. It was rounded out with some wood grain and a handwritten font (although I can’t recall which one right now) that I got from

I hid one extra nod to Scranton in the piece. The top of the tavern sign masks a suggested light bulb, a nod to the city’s nickname, the Electric City (tied to its history with electric railcars).

Learn more about the group at their Facebook page and support more creative people in northeastern Pennsylvania.

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